

We make your goals our tasks. We would like to provide you with an all-round, worry-free package with our services. Thanks to our professional expertise and many years of experience, we are broadly positioned in many areas and are therefore the ideal partner for your challenges.


The standard applications of the CAD/CAE software are often not comprehensive enough for smooth and optimal operation. Commands become too complex and lead to complicated and unnecessarily long routes to the goal. Standard settings that the user has to change every time the program is started delay workflows and cost nerves. We start at this point and set up the software according to customer-specific requirements. Any resources can be used much more efficiently.


Based on our experience with complex applications and systems, we can show you ways to lead your projects to success. We work with you to develop the specifications for the project. The resulting knowledge gain is constantly supplemented and new information is added. This allows us to derive the necessary system requirements that will get you to your desired goal.